Eva Vondrakova
Prague, Czechia
Eva Vondráková is psychologist with long practice in state school counselling centres and school psychologist. Since the 2010 year private practice in the Centrum Filip, specialised on the gifted children. Eva is co-founder and chairperson of the STaN (Společnost pro talent a nadání – previous Czechoslovak ECHA branch) founded by Hana Drábková in the 1988/89 year. STaN is a member of ECHA, WCGTC and HELP (High European Learning Potential). Eva is founder and organizer of the Club of Parents and Teachers meetings, Club of clever and curious children, garant of program for gifted children in the Rosemarin kindergarten, co-author of the Mensa Grammar School project, co-author of the chapter on the GC Education in the White book on Education, Ministry of Education 2001, author of the Conception on Education the Gifted (asked by Ministry of Education 2001). Author of many articles and chapters on GC education, teacher of future teachers. Eva is very active in international cooperation since the 1990 year when she attended the 2nd ECHA conference in Budapest. She is the ECHA National correspondent for the Czech Republic and Slovakia and the WCGTC Delegate for the Czech Republic. She initiated realisation and was the chairperson of the STaN international conference „Paradigm Shift in the Gifted Education“, Prague 2019. She was a member of the Programme committee of the 14.ECHA conference Ljubljana 2014 and chair of the Local organizing committee of the 19.WCGTC conference, Prague 2011. Eva is mother and grandmother of gifted children. Her life motto is: „Never give up!“
- Contributions at Talent Education 2017
Why gifted children need Potential+ and its HELPPaper
The Association for Talent and Giftedness (STaN), NGO, has nearly 30 years long history and its Club of Parents and Teachers´ works nearly 25 years. Not being financially supported by state institutions we founded the private counselling Centrum Filip. Our experience with the GC education shows that despite …
- Contributions on other events
STaN 2020PaperTalent Education 2020For more than 30 years of STaN's operation, we have known the stories of gifted children from their young childhood to adulthood. They result in patterns that affect how a gifted individual will perform not only at school age, but also later in life. What significantly affects the development of … More