Tanja Bezić
National Education Institute Slovenia
Maribor, Slovenia
MSc. Tanja Bezić, B.Ed., Senior Adviser at National Education Institute Slovenia, co-author of The Concept for G/T Education in Slovenia (1999), president of the Expert group for G/T Education in Slovenia (2008-2016), coordinator of the consultancy group for school counselling services; author, co-author and editor of more than 90 scientific and professional articles, guide books, monographies; founding member and member of the editorial board of Professional School Counseling Journal (1996-2017); founding and honorary member of The Association of Slovene School Counsellors; lecturer, in-service teacher trainer, active participant at national and international scientific and professional conferences on gifted and talented education, on educational guidance and counselling etc.
- Contributions at Talent Education 2017
The role of the internal school counselling service in implementation of The Concept of Recognising and Working with Gifted and Talented Students in SloveniaPaper
The law and other normative acts related to Slovenian primary and secondary education system (Basic School Act, Vocational and Technical Education Act, Gimnazije Act) pay a great attention to the importance of the optimal development of each and every student. All the adjusted, the additional and the support …