Martina Brazzolotto
Campodarsego, Italy
- Contributions at Talent Education 2019
Co-contructing authentic and inclusive practices for gifted childrenPaperTeachers play an important role for learning of all students and in particular for those who show gifted behaviour (McCoach, Siegle, 2003). Currently, in Italy guidelines exist only in the Veneto region (Veneto, in the North of the country). Recently the Italian Ministry of Education have modified a ministerial law … More
- Contributions on other events
Summer Enrichment Camp Experiences and the Dual Pandemics of COVID-19 and Systematic RacismPaperTalent Education 2020In addition to the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, educators worldwide viewed a series of horrific events of systemic racism marked with the murder of George Floyd in the United States. This session describes two virtual summer enrichment camps conducted during Summer 2020, and implications for those camps derived from a … More
What Can Gifted Education Learn From the Reggio Emilia Approach?PaperTalent Education 2020Gifted Education provides child-centered individualized learning experiences designed to advance abilities and talents of children and adolescents identified with advanced abilities. Specialized services often begin in the primary grades and extend through secondary schools. Adapted instruction often focuses on cognitive abilities based on individual goals and objectives with emphases on … More