Willeke is a recognized authority on Highly Gifted Education in the Netherlands, a published author and a frequent Key note speaker at conventions.
At the University of Nijmegen she received the title “Specialist in Gifted Education”. Allowing her to back up over three decades of Educational experiences with the Theoretical know how.
During her experience teaching at Dutch primary school education, she established that Highly Gifted Children need more than just additional work challenges. The real key to their success is social contact with their peers. She has developed Enrichments classes which help provide for this Social need.
Willeke pioneered Enrichment classes over 20 years ago and has been a actively involved in developing the concept ever since.
Identifying a need for more flexible work environments she founded Bright Kids in January 2003, www.brightkids.nl Bright Kids helps schools and parent understand gifted children by giving presentations about giftedness, coaching sessions and providing school enrichment programs. She is a Government consultant for the Dutch Primary Schools, published author and Developer of “Talentenlijn”, materials and guidance aids for teachers and preschool teachers. www.talentenlijn.nl.
Willek Rol is also trainer and co-writer of the education program : “Opleiding Expert Slimme Peuters en Kleuters”. (Training Expert Gifted Toddlers and Preschoolers) This program is certified by the SKJ ( Stichting Kwaliteitsregister Jeugd) in Holland.
- Contributions at Talent Education 2019
Peergroups for gifted pupils or studentsPaper(Highly) gifted children are children with a high IQ, in combination with a creative mind and the motivation to create their own possibilities. The three main needs of these children are: challenges (they must be able to recognize themselves in the level of the curriculum and be challenged to develop … More
- Contributions on other events
Peergroups for gifted pupils or studentsPaperTalent Education 2020(Highly) gifted children are children with a high IQ, in combination with a creative mind and the motivation to create their own possibilities. The three main needs of these children are: challenges (they must be able to recognize themselves in the level of the curriculum and be challenged to develop … More
Gifted Toddlers and Pre-SchoolersWorkshopTalent Education 2020Whenever a child takes its first step on his or her own, a new phase in development begins. At this stage children are now free to run around , it is a time for active exploration of their environment. Language development takes major leaps which leads to learning the names … More
Parenting the Gifted and talented ChildrenSymposiaTalent Education 2020In our society, many parents educate their children by rewarding positive behavior and punishing negative behavior. The parent determines and the children are expected to conform. But: "conforming" clashes with the creative, inquisitive nature that is so typical of gifted children. Instead of punishment or reward, it is much more … More