Grozdanka Gojkov

member of the Serbian academia for Education

Vršac, Serbia

Website: Visoka strukovna vaspitačka i medicinska škola u Vršcu


Grozdanka Gojkov, born in 1948, has a PhD degree in didactics at the University in Novi Sad. She teaches at the Teacher Training Faculty, Belgrade, teaching department in Vrsac; at the Preschool Teacher Training College „Mihailo Palov“ in Vrsac; and at Primary School Teachers Faculty in Uzice.

She is also a director of the Preschool Teacher College in Vrsac and an editor of the publishing activities at the same institution. She is a member of many national and international organizations (e. g. ECHA - European Council for High Ability; Central European Academy of Science; Serbian Academy of Education in Belgrade, etc.) and a visiting professor.

Fields of interests and research: epistemological grounds of pedagogic research; giftedness (the factors of transferring potentials into achievements; pluralism in teaching from the angle of the gifted); didactics (strategies of meta-cognition encouragement; docimology, metatheoretical approaches to didactics).