Miona Majstorovic Lemaître
Consultant, Facilitator & Teacher
GiftedLab Consulting - NGO Out of Blue
Paris, France
Website: www.giftedlab.org / www.outfoblue.co
Miona Majstorović Lemaître got her first B.Sc. at University of Belgrade for French Language and Literature and two M.A. in Marketing and Communication at University Sorbonne Nouvelle and Parisian Business School ESCP Europe (one of the top 5 French “Grandes écoles“). She used to work as Foreign Language Teacher (French /English), Office Assistant & Translator-Interpreter before starting 10 year-long work experience in Marketing and Communication field.
Profoundly immersed in Socio-Emotional Needs of Gifted since 2014, Miona created, first of all, French-Balkan NGO Out of Blue with program GiftedLab in March 2018. Secondly, she co-founded Serbian NGO “Center for Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted, Talented and 2E“ in October 2019. Miona has started her consultancy business, GiftedLab Co, in January 2020, which translates Miona’s active and professional engagement focusing on Socio Emotional Learning (SEL) in the field of Talent Development. Her goal is to help gifted children, youth and adults adopt growth mindset that makes typical setbacks and challenges associated with Giftedness, less fatal. First objective of GiftedLab Co is to emphasize the need of active work on discovering one’s unique talent profile and focused attention on building self-awareness as gifted, talented or 2E: the Gifted who succeded are those who managed to show their unique self to the world. The second objective of GiftedLab is to enhance emotional literacy in Talent Education by helping educators and caregivers become “fluent“ in Social and Emotional Needs of all children. The third objective of GiftedLab is to help transition from a focus on narrowly defined academic achievement to the one that promotes strengths-based, long-term development and success of all children. In order to attain these goals, Miona has been preparing certification in many useful and efficient methods. She became Certified SENG SMPG Facilitator in 2018, Certified Career Guidance & Counseling Strengths-Based Assesments Practitioner in 2020, and, preparing certification to become LEGO Facilitator and SECD (Social Emotional Learning & Character Development) Specialist, and to upgrade status in Master SENG SMPG Facilitator in 2021.
Her intervention will focus on better defining and use of potentials, enhancing self- and social awareness, self-management and relationship skills. Every child, especially gifted one, needs competencies beyond the test score: they need whole range of self-actualization skills for the tests of life, career, contribution and caring. Miona proposes various courses, lectures, discussion groups, workshops for parents, educators and professionals on bringing the best out of their children, students, employees and clients. She has translated into Serbian (A Parents Guide for Gifted Children by dr James T. Webb, to be printed by Psihopolis,Serbia), used as a manual on SENG Parents’ workshops and is also writing a book that focuses on socio-emotional needs and challenges of gifted children and adults that summarizes her findings in the field of gifted research/practice and personnal experiences on the subject of giftedness.
- Contributions at Talent Education 2020
Social Emotional Needs of the Gifted, Talented, and 2E: Why Efficient Training about Social-Emotional Aspect of Giftedness brings Efficient Teaching and Better Talent DevelopmentPaperThis keynote sheds light on the importance of Social and Emotional Needs and Challenges that go with Specific Personality Development of the Gifted, Talented, and 2E (G,T&2E). In addition, it provides an overview of all the important potential challenges that have to be taken into account by educators and caregivers … More
Gifted Intensity, Perfectionism & StressWorkshopAlthough perfectionism tendencies can happen to everybody, it has been proven by research that the gifted, due to their complex inner functionning and atypical development, are, more than the others, prone to it. This workshop provides an overview of two important endogenous (innate) characteristics, of the gifted: perfectionism and intensity. … More
Parenting the Gifted and talented ChildrenSymposiaIn our society, many parents educate their children by rewarding positive behavior and punishing negative behavior. The parent determines and the children are expected to conform. But: "conforming" clashes with the creative, inquisitive nature that is so typical of gifted children. Instead of punishment or reward, it is much more … More
- Contributions on other events
Fulfilling of Socio-Emotional Needs of the Gifted, Talented and Twice-Exceptional with SENG SMPG MethodWorkshopTalent Education 2019Underachievement of the gifted population is not only the result of inadequate school curriculum. Therefore, organisation SENG (Supporting Emotional Needs of Gifted) was founded in 1971 in America in order to support the needs of gifted, talented and twice- exceptional children (2 E) because practice have shown that these children … More