Autism and creativity

Presenter(s): Nataša Frank
Author(s): Nataša Frank
Presentation will be in Slovene language.


Avtizem je nevrološko-biološka razvojna motnja, ki posamezniku povzroči veliko težav pri prilagajanju, socialnih interakcijah in jih spremlja vse življenje. Nekateri avtisti so pa še posebej ustvarjalni. Avtizem naj bi imeli tudi Beethoven, Mozart, Einstein in drugi. S pomočjo domišljije, risanja, izumljanja so nekateri z motnjo avtističnega spektra močno predani ustvarjalnosti. Na naši šoli smo v preteklem šolskem letu dobili učenca z avtističnim spektrom, ki ima težje primanjkljaje na področju govora, socialne interakcije, vedenja in interesov. Ugotovili smo, da je zelo ustvarjalen v risanju. Njegovi izdelki so narisani z vsemi podrobnostmi. Pri ustvarjanju preide v svoj svet, kjer se ne pusti motiti. Najraje riše s peresom ali flomastri. Deček ima tudi zelo dobro predstavo števil, zato je v matematiki zelo uspešen. Najbolje mu gre seštevanje in to počne zelo hitro. Po ugotovitvah njegovih močnih področij poteka delo pri pouku veliko lažje, saj v težkih trenutkih najde sprostitev v risanju njegovih junakov. Pomembno se nam zdi, da iščemo pri vse otrocih, še posebej pa pri otrocih s posebnimi, potrebami njihova močna področja, ustvarjalnost, nadarjenost, saj tako pridobijo na samozavesti, sprejetosti in socialnih izkušnjah. Ugotavljamo, da sta pri tem otroku avtizem in ustvarjalnost medsebojno povezana.
KLJUČNE BESEDE: ustvarjalnost, avtizem, nadarjenost, geni.


Autism is a neurological-biological developmental disorder that causes many difficulties in adapting, social interactions and accompanies throughout life of individual. However, some autistic people are especially creative. Beethoven, Mozart, Einstein and others are also said to have autism. With the help of imagination, drawing, invention, some with autism spectrum disorder are strongly committed to creativity. At our school last school year, we got a student with an autism spectrum who has more severe deficits in speech, social interaction, behavior, and interests. We found him to be very creative in drawing. His products are drawn with all the details. In creating, he passes into his world, where he does not let himself be disturbed. He prefers to draw with a pen or felt-tip pens. The boy also has a very good idea of numbers, so he is very successful in mathematics. He does the best addition and does it very quickly. According to the findings of his strengths, the work in the classroom is much easier, as he finds relaxation in drawing his characters in difficult moments. We think it is important to look for all children, especially children with special needs, their strong areas, creativity, talent, as they gain in self-confidence, acceptance and social experience. We find that in this child, autism and creativity are interrelated.
KEY WORDS: creativity, autism, talent, genes.