Čast, dostojanstvo in žrtveništvo med osnovnošolci / Honour, Dignity and Victimhood Among Pupils

Presenter(s): Gregor Rojc
Author(s): Gregor Rojc
Presentation will be in Slovene language.

Ameriška moralna sociologa Campbell in Manning sta moralne kulture razdelila v tri kategorije: kulturo časti, kulturo dostojanstva in kulturo žrtveništva. Kulturo časti smo na Zahodu preživeli, na temeljih kulture dostojanstva smo zgradili sodobno in svobodno zahodno civilizacijo, kultura žrtveništva pa to, kar smo izgradili ogroža. Zametke kulture žrtveništva se tu in tam lahko zasledi tudi med osnovnošolci, zato je najbrž čas, da šola začne poudarjati in udejanjati vzgojno komponento. Eden izmed namenov šole je tudi to, da se otroka pripravi na življenje. Šola ima specifično vlogo v družbi in je zato eden najpomembnejših dejavnikov pri oblikovanju značaja otrok.

Ključne besede:
čast, dostojanstvo, žrtveništvo, kultura, šola, vzgoja

American moral sociologists Campbell and Manning put moral cultures into three categories: honour culture, dignity culture and victimhood culture. In the west, we have already moved past the honour culture and the modern, free society was built on the basis of dignity culture. However, all that is now endangered by the emergence of victimhood culture. Signs of victimhood culture can occasionally be noticed among the pupils, so it is probably time for the school to put more emphasis the upbringing (educational) component. One of the school’s goals is to prepare the pupil for life. The school occupies a specific role in society and is thus one of the most important factors in the development of a child’s character.

Key words:
Honour, dignity, victimhood, culture, school, upbringing / education