Analysis of curricular and extra curricular activities of talented students

Presenter(s): Petra Drofenik
Author(s): Petra Drofenik
Presentation will be in Slovene language.

Due to the increasing workload of talented students by participating in various competitions, the expectations of both, teachers and parents are increasing.
Thus we were interested in the relation between the talented students' participation in competitions, curricular activities, extra curricular activities and quizzes to their talent that has been recognized after a series of aptitude tests performed according to »Koncept odkrivanja in dela z nadarjenimi učenci v osnovni šoli«.
This analysis encompasses a period of five years (from 2014 to 2019) and it shows the relation between the talented students' participation in curricular and extra curricular activities to the area of their talent at the selected primary school.
The results show that talented students not only participate in numerous curricular activities and competitions, but also attend extra curricular activities that take part several times a week and last longer than an hour.
This shows that talented students participate in activities that enable them to express their talent.
Many questions arise at this point: What happens when talented students become overwhelmed with their activities?, How do talented students deal with expectations of their parents and teachers?, How do talented students deal with the loss of motivation for their school work?, How do talented students deal with the reluctance to do their school work?