Talented children with Asperger syndrome

Presenter(s): Janja Cankar
Presentation will be in Slovene language.

Almost half of children whith spectrum autistic disorder reach at least average to above average in inteligence level tests. There is a mith that people with spectrum autistic disorder cant develope loving feelings. This is just not the case. They may be more sensitive to touching , but can show effections to other people. On one hand , they may have less develope verbal communication skills, but on the other hand their visualization and mathemtical sklills can reach high levels.
The exact cause of aspergers is unknown. While it is largery inherited, the uderlying genetics have not been determined conclusively. Environmental factors are also believed to play a role. Brain imaging has not identified a common udnerlying condition. In 2013 the diagnosis of Aspergers was removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental Disorders, with the symptoms now included within the autism spectrum disorder along with autism and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified. There is no single treatment, and the effectiveness of particular interventions is supported by only limited data. Treatment is aimed at lowering obsessive or repetitive routines and improving communication skills and physical clumsiness. Interventions may include social skills training, cognitive behavioral therapy, physical therapy,speech therapy, parent trainin.