Timetable > 19.11.2020 > Pogledi na izobraževanje talentov

Parallel sessions I.

Pogledi na izobraževanje talentov

Thu 19.11.2020 12:00-14:00
Lecture hall: Room C
Chair: Jurij Cvitanič
  • Sodobno poučevanje nadarjenih učencev
    Presenter(s): Jurij Cvitanič
    Formativno spremljanje v zadnjih letih vzpodbuja veliko zanimanje pri nas učiteljih. Z njim smo se seznanjali na študijskih srečanjih ter na različnih izobraževanjih Zavoda RS za šolstvo. Tudi mene je pritegnilo preskušanje elementov formativnega spremljanja z nadarjenimi učenci pri pouku, saj že peto leto tesno sodelujem z Zavodom za šolstvo OE Maribor, z gospo mag. Nado Nedeljko.
    Predstavil bom pristope, ki tudi nadarjenim učencem omogočijo soudeležbo pri določanju in razumevanju namenov učenja in kriterijev za uspeh, predstavil bom dejavnosti, s katerimi sem pridobival dokaze o učenju in pokazal kakšen učinek ima kakovostna povratna informacija na učence. Kot povezovalni element vseh učnih dejavnosti vključujem vprašanja, ki so učencem v podporo pri učenju. S pogosto uporabo odprtih vprašanj pri pouku učitelj premišljeno in načrtno vzpodbuja učenčevo razmišljanje in njegov učni proces.
    Osebno vidim v formativnem spremljanju ogromno pozitivnih stvari, izkušnje uvajanja novih projektov pa kažejo, da je za učinkovito uvajanje načel formativnega spremljanja potrebnih več let. Potrebna so redna srečanja učiteljev, izmenjevanje mnenj, praks, učenja eden od drugega in to, da napake vidimo kot možnost učenja eden od drugega. Poleg tega se šola mora zavzemati, da bo uvajala formativno spremljanje, dokler to v razredih ne bo res zaživelo v polni meri. Menim, da elementi formativnega spremljanja tudi nadarjenim učencem zagotavljajo večjo možnost napredka in doseganje višjih ravni znanja.
  • From gifted students' exploratory zeal to preventive workshops on sexual inviolability for school peers
    Presenter(s): Marina Vidmar
    Inspired by the 2017 notorious Hollywood sexual harassment scandal two gifted students from our school (Jazbec and Virant, 2019) decided to make a research project on sexual harassment of women at workplace and subsequently organize psychoeducational workshops for their school peers to raise awareness of this sensitive issue. With their research project they wanted to explore the phenomenon of sexual harassment – how women in our country perceive different types of sexual harassment, how common are different types of sexual harassment, which types of sexual harassment women would likely report to authorities, what cosequences they faced as sexual harassment victims ... They also explored the role of the witness of sexual harassment and attitudes towards sexual objectification of women in the workplace. The evaluation survey of their psychoeducational workshops on sexual harassment showed that their school peers learned a lot of new information about sexual harassment, more specifically most of them noted that sexual harassment of women is common also at worplaces in Slovenia, that they learned about different types of sexual harassment, that they already knew a lot about sexual harassment, that we should talk more about sexual harassment and that they learned about actions you can take against sexual harassment perpetrators.
  • Analysis of curricular and extra curricular activities of talented students
    Presenter(s): Petra Drofenik
    Due to the increasing workload of talented students by participating in various competitions, the expectations of both, teachers and parents are increasing.
    Thus we were interested in the relation between the talented students' participation in competitions, curricular activities, extra curricular activities and quizzes to their talent that has been recognized after a series of aptitude tests performed according to »Koncept odkrivanja in dela z nadarjenimi učenci v osnovni šoli«.
    This analysis encompasses a period of five years (from 2014 to 2019) and it shows the relation between the talented students' participation in curricular and extra curricular activities to the area of their talent at the selected primary school.
    The results show that talented students not only participate in numerous curricular activities and competitions, but also attend extra curricular activities that take part several times a week and last longer than an hour.
    This shows that talented students participate in activities that enable them to express their talent.
    Many questions arise at this point: What happens when talented students become overwhelmed with their activities?, How do talented students deal with expectations of their parents and teachers?, How do talented students deal with the loss of motivation for their school work?, How do talented students deal with the reluctance to do their school work?
  • Understanding talent as a child who is given a chance to explore
    Presenter(s): Tjasa Abram
    When we hear the word talent, most of as think of a smart person. That person simply has the knowledge. But what we don't ask, is how that person got the knowledge. Is it just lazy when we say: »You are really talented!« What we know is that children talent depends on invarionment and other people. Other people are able to see the talent and give children oportunity to reach and devolop it. I know that there is many different ways of how to reach talent, however I found a step to a better practical work in a pedagogy of Maria Montessori. She observed children and dicovered something called sensitive perioud. each sensitive period is a specific kind of inner compulsion. These compulsions motivate young children to seek objects and relationships in the environment. Children use these to develop themselves. Nevertheless, the Montessori experience demonstrates that children will accomplish a more complete development of their unique capabilities if we present them with three conditions. The first is the adult’s knowledge of child development and the sensitive periods. The second is a prepared classroom environment that satisfies each sensitive period. The third is educational observation by the trained adult. In the artical I'm debating and researching a connection between childrens talent, selfiniative, motiviation and people that surround children and young adults.