Timetable > 19.11.2020 > Aktivna vloga nadarjenega učenca in učitelja

Parallel sessions I.

Aktivna vloga nadarjenega učenca in učitelja

Thu 19.11.2020 12:00-14:30
Lecture hall: Room G
Chair: Igor Vitrih
  • An individual approach to strength and endurance development with student
    Presenter(s): Robert Brezovnik
    Modern times bring new challenges for high school sports teachers. The average lifestyle is increasingly becoming sitting down, which leads to an increase of cardiovascular illnesses, diabetes and other auto immune diseases. Because of this we feel the role of the sports teacher is changing. Instead of teaching the students about sports techniques and sectors we need to equip them with some knowledge for life, so they can choose the correct and effective recreational activities to keep them healthy and implement them as fundamental values in their everyday life.
    The development and preservation of endurance is important for maintaining your health and vitality as it ensures a good support for the joints and the spine and strengthens our cardiovascular system. Because of this we attempted to find a way to introduce exercises for strength and endurance to high-school girls. We achieved this by setting a personal goal for each student to attempt to reach within a three-month period of exercise. We helped them in choosing one of the following goals, (1) preserving strength and health, (2) healthy monitored weight loss or (3) growing muscles and aerobic endurance.
    To help them achieve the goals we implemented achievement stages, which increase the motivation to persist with the activity. The exercises were partly executed during the sports lessons in school and partly in their free time. Most of the girls showed positive results and a lot of them chose to continue with this type of exercise even after the initial three-month duration.
  • Talented students as co-creators of activities at school
    Presenter(s): Petra Andoljšek Žagar
    All students should be given the opportunity for the optimal development of their potential; furthermore, it is necessary to take into account their individuality and different ways of development and learning. Talented students are more successful at solving problems and more efficient at combining knowledge from different fields; moreover, they have a rich vocabulary due to being good readers. Developing talents during regular classes can be quite demanding, as it is necessary to go over and consolidate the materials and to guide and motivate both weaker and stronger students. Various forms of additional activities can be used to achieve this goal. One example is participation in events and projects where they can showcase their achievements. Students have excelled in areas that cannot be demonstrated during regular lessons. For this reason, teachers should be proactive, gaining additional knowledge and experience which is then passed on to students. They should know their students well, allowing them to help when needed and to redirect activities when work motivation dwindles. Talented students do not enjoy being exposed which may lead to them not using their talents during their future education. As a result, many appear to only be average, resulting in the slower progress of society. Such students' strong points should be worked on during regular lessons.
  • Razvoj potenciala znotraj projektne naloge (Izdelajmo bivalnik za čmrlje-čmrljak)
    Presenter(s): Igor Vitrih
    Strokovni prispevek se navezuje na področje ekologije, znotraj medpredmetne povezave predmetov v osnovni šoli, kot so predmeti biologija, naravoslovje, tehnika in tehnologija ter likovna umetnost. Izpostavljen je problem bivanja čmrljev, njihov doprinos naravi in naše samozavedanje pomembnosti te živalske vrste. Znotraj navezave teh učnih vsebin predmetov, na praktični pouk, natančneje pri interesni dejavnosti, se učenci lotijo izdelave čmrljakov, bivalnikov za čmrlje. Skozi sam potek priprave in izdelave bivalnika za čmrlje, učenci spoznajo značilnosti same živali, njen življenjski prostor ter znajo oceniti svoj delež, kot prispevek za boljše sobivanje vseh živih bitij.
  • Role of teacher in developing child’s potential
    Presenter(s): Andreja Gospodarič
    When preparing my everyday lesson plans, I often ask myself what I can do as a teacher to make the lessons interesting for children, so that they can acquire experience-based, lasting knowledge and develop their creativity. However, I must be aware that my class is a heterogeneous group of children, where all participants should have the opportunity to develop their potentials and upgrade their existing knowledge according to their abilities and capabilities. It is my task, as a teacher, to recognise the pupil’s strong and weak areas and the degree of their existing knowledge. Through tasks tailored to individuals as well as appropriate motivation and encouragement, I can help pupils to experience success in learning. This is how they will strengthen their self-image, which is of great importance in today’s society. In preparing my Maths and Slovene classes, I differentiate many activities and tasks, which requires a great deal of creativity and knowledge. I also attach great importance to learning through games and physical activities where pupils relax, strengthen social skills and indirectly develop or consolidate their knowledge. In Environmental Science, I conduct a wide variety of experiments together with pupils, so that they gain new knowledge based on their own experience and experimenting. Pupils learning in this way are happier and more motivated for the challenges they may face in the future.
  • Developing reading literacy in English using the digital children's library
    Presenter(s): Tina Šabec
    How to encourage children’s reading habits is a question that teachers often ask themselves. The objectives, course and evaluation of the reading lesson will be presented, with students developing reading strategies in the digital library and using KWN reading strategy.
    The International Digital Children's Library is a modern learning resource that enriches and makes reading lessons more interesting for students. The purpose of this unique library is to support the children of the world in becoming effective members of the global community who have tolerance and respect for different cultures, languages and ideas. It offers the best selection of children's literature for free.
    The lesson was set up as a part of cross-curricular learning: two eighth-graders first introduced an online library to fifth-graders and browsed through interesting book material. They then read to students in English the story about a whale that is sad because it is too big to play hide and seek. The peer learning project proved to be very successful. The students actively participated in the lesson and were enthusiastic about the first walk through the digital library, and the students teachers were also satisfied with the implementation of their first lesson. We connected English, Slovene and fine arts interdisciplinary. We believe that this way of learning is closer to students because they perceive the world as a whole and not divided into different subject areas. The lesson course and the digital source were also presented to schools in Lithuania and Greece, which participate in the two-year international project Erasmus + Out of subject box. The purpose of the project is to step outside the precisely defined subject framework and to connect interdisciplinary and internationally in order to exchange examples of good practice.