Timetable > 19.11.2020 > Ustvarjalnost in inovativnost

Parallel sessions II.

Ustvarjalnost in inovativnost

Thu 19.11.2020 16:15-17:55
Lecture hall: Room G
Chair: Nina Zver
  • Innovation in education
    Presenter(s): Irena Upelj
    Delo v vzgoji in izobraževanju je kompleksen proces, še posebej pomemben v predšolskem obdobju. Za dobro delo vzgojitelja v vrtcu je poleg strokovnosti in človečnosti zelo pomembna odprtost, pripravljenost na spremembe in prilagajanje. Ključni pa sta tudi ustvarjalnost in inovativnost vzgojitelja. Opisala bom projektno delo na temo inovativnost in spreminjanje lastne prakse v našem vrtcu. Za inovativnost je pomembna zunanja spodbuda, v največji meri pa vzgojiteljeva motivacija za sprejemanje sprememb. Za spodbujanje in razvijanje ustvarjalnosti otrok je nujno, da so strokovni delavci inovativni in da pri načrtovanju svojega dela upoštevajo individualne značilnosti, potrebe, želje in interese otrok. Živimo v času sprememb, kar zahteva stalno učenje vseh pedagoških delavcev, ki morajo sproti spreminjati tudi svojo prakso. Vzgajamo najmlajšo populacijo in poskrbeti moramo, da jih vzgojimo v vedoželjne in zainteresirane ljudi, ki bodo imeli ideje, ki si bodo upali…
    Ključne besede: vzgojitelj, inovativnost, spremembe, ustvarjalnost.

    The future belongs to innovative and imaginative,
    who will know in a world of constant change
    look for opportunities for progress. (unknown author)


    Educating and schooling is a complex process, especially important in a preschool period. A good educator is not only competent and humane; one must show openness, readiness for change and adaptation. Creativity and innovation are as important for a good educator. The research project focuses on innovation and development of practice in our kindergarten. External stimulus is important to enhance innovation, however not as important as educator’s own motivation for changes. In order to encourage and develop children's creativity, it is essential that professional educators are innovative and that they take into account the individual characteristics, needs, wishes and interests of children when planning their work. Due to constant changes, continuing professional development of pedagogical employees and development of their practice is required. As we are educating the youngest population, we have to ensure we raise them into curious and attentive people who are daring and have ideas.
    Keywords: educator, innovation, changes, creativity
  • The brain – an untapped potential
    Presenter(s): Mateja Slemenik
    The brain is our computer, but we make too little use of it. In the modern world there is a huge amount of information, data that we need to remember and use. However, since not everyone has a photographic memory, I will present a method of memorizing words, memorizing with the help of associations, memorizing numbers, memorizing letters (alphabets), the palace of memory and memorizing foreign words respectively a foreign language. Of course, there is an endless possibility of combining and incorporating the remaining techniques with each other as well. For example it is very gratifying to combine the technique of remembering words with the technique of associations, or the technique of remembering numbers with the technique of remembering through associations. With years and many opportunities of perfecting the use of our skills, the use of individual memory techniques is also perfected and developed. Many times they become self-evident to us and part of our thinking, so when we use them we are no longer even aware of them and automate them. Talented students are constantly looking for methods to find a way to have as much "free" time as possible after the work is done. So they start already after a few meetings to look for connections and memory shortcuts that are close to them. This is my basic goal. With attention and memory training we are well on our way to avoid dementia, or at least we can postpone it for a few years or even a decade until old age. This will greatly improve our social and emotional behaviour and thus we can raise the quality of our lives. This is the best investment into our lives.
  • Through a colorful pallet of creativity to the ancient Greeks
    Presenter(s): Mateja Jazbec
    People are all different from each other. We have different positive and negative personality traits and behaviour patterns. We respond differently to the same circumstances. What pleases some does not necessarily please others. We perceive and process experiences differently.
    In this paper, I present an example of good practice about how I deal with student diversity in the 7th grade and how I tackle the problem of motivation and discipline in different ways. Differences between students dictate the dynamics and way of working in a group that often strays in the wrong direction.
    The question I am dealing with is how to ensure the motivation of students according to their abilities, personality traits and different interests. I begin to build the starting point on ways and methods of teaching that help me simplify matters and manage the situation. The essence of the educational process was to provide an optimal level of motivation based on the student's desires, personality traits, abilities and interests. The crucial fact of such an approach to teaching and learning is the creation of favourable conditions for the development of the student's strengths.
    As a teacher, I have realized that diversity is present in all grades and that my success depends primarily on a positive approach to solving challenges. Positive energy is also felt by students, who consequently increase their interest in lessons as they begin to believe in themselves and their abilities. I share this kind of experience with colleagues and thus influence the professional development of the entire school staff.
  • Teaching and achieving standards of knowledge with the aid of animals
    Presenter(s): Nina Zver
    I am a 2nd grade teacher. Every year, I meet students who show a high degree of restlessness, low concentration, as well as students with various learning difficulties. Sometimes their problems are so severe that they try to avoid tasks which they expect to fail at and don't even attempt to complete them. These students need extra motivation, a lot of encouragement and above all understanding of their needs. I am always looking for methods and forms of work that would help them gain self-confidence, higher productivity and better motivation. This time I decided to try something new, something unusual. Because research has shown that animals have a very special impact on people, I've had the idea to connect my love for animals with my work. I announced to the students that we would get a furry visit in class, but only if certain rules were followed. I had to specially prepare students for animals to be kept in class. We had an introductory lesson aimed at learning about the characteristics of guinea pigs. I felt great joy when I found that children love animals and finally, the day arrived, when I brought my guinea pigs to class. The furballs were warmly received, and to my great surprise, the students followed all the rules we set in the introductory lesson. Because I could trust the students, the guinea pigs were regular guests in our class. Their favourite classes were the ones where students pampered them by reading fairy tales aloud. Guinea pigs, however, not only allowed themselves to be pampered, but were also of great help in achieving minimum and basic standards of knowledge.
  • Biti pismen je nuja, ne le modna muha
    Presenter(s): Iris Frelih Turnšek
    Pismenost je ena temeljnih zmožnosti ljudi, ki z vidika raznih področij olajšuje vključenost posameznikov v družbo. Otrok tako lahko v spodbudnem domačem in vrtčevskem okolju že v predšolskem obdobju razvije predbralne spretnosti in sposobnosti ter zaradi sistematično spodbujenega razvoja bralne pismenosti ob vstopu v šolo že bere. To pomeni, da ima že do določene stopnje razviti potrebni sposobnosti, kot sta dekodiranje in bralno razumevanje, ki bralca pripeljeta do cilja – do fleksibilnega pristopa k branju. Pri nekaterih učencih učenje branja torej ni nekaj, s čimer pričenjamo šele z učenčevim vstopom v šolo, ampak je proces, ki ga tedaj le intenzivneje in sistematičneje razvijamo naprej od točke, ki je bila že dosežena.
    Opismenjevanje je proces učenja branja in pisanja. V šoli poteka sistematično in individualizirano.

    Praksa je v zadnjih letih pokazala, da imajo učenci kljub sistematičnemu pristopu vse več težav z branjem in bralnim razumevanjem, zato smo se na šoli odločili, da skupaj z vsemi udeleženci (učitelji, učenci in starši) k tej pereči tematiki odločneje pristopimo.

    V prispevku bom predstavila model učne podpore s prepoznavanjem močnih področij in primanjkljajev bralne pismenosti v 2. in 3. razredu, ki je nastal po večletnem sodelovanju z učitelji razredniki in povezovanjem s šolsko knjižnico. Tovrsten model lahko učitelji uporabijo v lastni praksi in tako učencem omogočijo bolj individualen pristop in napredek na področju branja, bralnega razumevanja in navsezadnje samostojnega učenja.