Petra Andoljšek Žagar
Ribnica, Slovenia
- Contributions on other events
Nadarjeni učenci sooblikujejo dejavnosti na šoliPaperTalent Education 2020Nadarjenost se kaže v različnih oblikah in obsegih. Za opisovanje nadarjenih se uporablja veliko oznak (sposoben, pameten, bister, iznajdljiv, nadarjen, talentiran,…). Do nekaterih stvari ali dejavnosti čutimo posebno nagnjenost, ki jo imenujemo nadarjenost. Našo podružnično šolo obiskuje le 29 otrok, a ravno ta malo številčnost nam omogoča, da v vseh … More
Talented students as co-creators of activities at schoolPaperTalent Education 2020All students should be given the opportunity for the optimal development of their potential; furthermore, it is necessary to take into account their individuality and different ways of development and learning. Talented students are more successful at solving problems and more efficient at combining knowledge from different fields; moreover, they … More