Andree Therrien
Ste-Adele, Canada
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T2i and Interventions : Talent Intelligence and Innovation, STEM profilePaperTalent Education 2017
T2i is an innovative protocol that identifies students with high potential in STEM / MINT strategic intelligence profile, and who also show a superior capacity for innovation and perseverance.
T2i protocol highlights specific interventions needed for STEM profile talented and gifted students not only in recognizing …
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T2I: Talent Intelligence & Innovation. Experimental Identification Protocol in STEMPaperTalent Education 2019The T2i is an experimental protocol based on the inclusion of all gifted and talented children in public school districts: STEM profile. T2I identifies, through its innovative approach, students with high potential in STEM strategic intelligence profile and who also show a superior capacity for innovation, interests in sciences, and … More
Twice exceptional with ADHD: Characteristics and challengesPaperTalent Education 2020Many gifted children are recognized as having neurobiological problems that interfere with academic, home, and social/emotional functioning. These twice-exceptional (2e) children with ADHD struggle to actualise their full potential because of an inefficient neurobiological system. They usually show difficulties in one or more cognitive areas, rather than affecting all intellectual … More