Dr. Keri Guilbault
Associate Professor/Director of Gifted Educ. Graduate Programs
Johns Hopkins University
Florida, United States
Website: JHU Faculty bio
Keri M. Guilbault, Ed.D., is an associate professor and director of the Gifted Education graduate programs at Johns Hopkins University. She holds a joint appointment at the Center for Talented Youth (CTY) as principal investigator of the Study of Exceptional Talent (SET). She is the recipient of the 2020 American Mensa Chair's National Service Award and the 2019 National Association for Gifted Children Early Leader Award. Dr. Guilbault has worked as a district supervisor of gifted and talented programs and as a teacher of the gifted. She currently serves as a delegate to the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children and as the chair of the Mensa International Gifted Youth Committee. Her leadership experience includes three terms on the Board of Directors of the National Association for Gifted Children, service on the Board of Trustees of the Mensa Education and Research Foundation, and as the Director of Science and Education of American Mensa. Dr. Guilbault received her master’s degree in Gifted Education from the University of South Florida and obtained her doctoral degree in Educational Leadership with a specialization in gifted education program administration from the University of Central Florida. Her research interests include academic acceleration, parenting the gifted, and the affective characteristics and needs of the highly to profoundly gifted.
- Contributions at Talent Education 2022
Looking Toward the Future: Applying Lessons from the Pandemic to Improve Virtual Instruction for the GiftedPaperThe COVID-19 pandemic caused disruption to education environments across the globe. Initially, school buildings closed to stop the spread of the disease, and educators were thrust into teaching in a new, virtual environment with little or no preparation. Specialized services for students who are gifted were reduced, eliminated, or temporarily … More
- Contributions on other events
Let’s PIVOT! Perception of Instruction in Virtual/Online TeachingPaperTalent Education 2023Classroom observations are used to improve student outcomes and help administrators provide focused, actionable feedback for teachers’ professional growth. During the pandemic, educators had to quickly pivot from in-person teaching to remote instruction. While classroom observations continued, many district-adopted scales did not work well with virtual lesson observation (Guilbault et … More