Jelisaveta Šafranj
Full Professor
Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad
Novi Sad, Serbia
Website: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jelisaveta_Safranj
- Contributions at Talent Education 2022
Different Pathways in Learning and Achievements: Emotional and Cognitive Needs of Gifted StudentsPaperThis study aims to investigate the cognitive and emotional demands of gifted students and their correlations with variables such as gender and year of study. The investigation included 25 gifted students selected from among 254 examinees. Participants were undergraduate and graduate students—five students for each year of study at the … More
- Contributions on other events
SOCIAL NETWORKING AS AN E-LEARNING PLATFORM FOR GIFTED STUDENTS IN ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSESPaperTalent Education 2023The extensive development of information and communication technologies is essential to modern approaches to education and has greatly facilitated the acquisition and exchange of information and knowledge. Information technology enabled the continuous modernization of access to active teaching in higher education, as well as the rapid introduction, adaptation, and application … More
Gifted and reception anxietyPaperTalent Education 2020The issue of students' reception anxiety, as one of the anxieties in language skills, has been extensively researched, but it is still open due to significant discrepancies in the researchers' findings. A number of questions are open, such as: whether reception anxiety in a foreign language is caused by problems … More