Miha Simončič
profesor matematike in računalništva
Dobrna, Slovenia
- Contributions at Talent Education 2023
Exceptionally talented high school math studentsPaperIn my seventeen years of teaching, I have only met an exceptionally talented and gifted student twice. The experience was very interesting, as both students had extremely strong mathematics. While other areas were the same as the rest or even worse. They had a lot of problems, especially in the … More
- Contributions on other events
Motivating talented students in mastering mathematically more demanding learning materialPaperTalent Education 2022Through my years of teaching, I have realized, how important student motivation is. During the daily commute to work, I always think about, how to best conduct that day's lessons and at the same time motivate the students well. In the third year of secondary school, the teaching material of … More
Dodatna dela in zaposlitev nadarjenih dijakov na srednji šoliPaperTalent Education 2024Vsako novo šolsko leto, na srednjo šolo pridejo tudi novi nadarjeni dijaki. Da se ne dolgočasijo, je potrebno zanje poiskati še dodatne naloge, delo, zaposlitev. Na šoli že vrsto let izvajamo tehnične dneve. K nam pridejo osmošolci in devetošolci iz okoliških osnovnih šol. Tako spoznajo šolo, izobraževalne programe in pri … More