Sonia Rey-Montejo
Associate Professor of Spanish
University of St. Thomas
Saint Paul, United States
Website: www.stthomas.edu
Professor Rey-Montejo is originally from Barcelona, Spain. She is currently teaching at the University of Saint Thomas in the U.S. Her courses focus on issues of race, gender, identity, and social inequality in twentieth and twenty-first century Latin-America and the Caribbean. She has published and presented on numerous international conferences on topics related to Hispanic Caribbean narrative, Caribbean Diaspora in the U.S, and Afro-Latino studies. Considering the challenges faced by students in the classroom when learning a second language, her current research interest is closely related to how technology affects youth’s brain development and how to better support 2e students at the college level.
- Contributions on other events
Challenges and Strategies for 2e Students Taking Spanish Language Classes at the University LevelPaperTalent Education 2021Students who are gifted and twice exceptional often receive accommodations in middle school and high school to provide support when learning foreign languages. Looking ahead to college or university study, many degree programs require students to take foreign language classes. Three strategies that 2e student can use to garner support … More
Neurodiversity and Mental Health: Challenges and Strategies for 2e Students in Spanish Language Learning at the University LevelPaperTalent Education 2023In today’s reality, as educators and continuous learners, we find ourselves interacting with a generation of students who have faced many recent challenges and extreme circumstances that have been affecting their performance in the classroom environment. Thus, we can already observe the negative effects from the overuse of technology, online … More