Design thinking method in creating the prototype of mobile application

Presenter(s): Melisa Milinkić
Presentation will be in Slovene language.

The article focuses on the process of design thinking and its importance in the development of a prototype of mobile application with the help of students. Design thinking is an approach that focuses on people, their needs, desires and experiences, using different models and visualizations to solve complex, uncertain and unexplored problems. This method includes several phases that are iterative and non-linear, allowing for continuous adaptation and improvement of solutions.

The design thinking method consists of three key components: mindset, process and tools. Mindset includes the principles and beliefs we use to solve problems. A process is a sequence of steps such as understanding problems, designing solutions, prototyping and testing.
The students used various tools such as MS Teams, Adobe XD, Figma and Adobe Illustrator to prototype mobile application idea. In the first phase, called "Understanding problem" the students prepared interview questions to gain a deep understanding of the users and their needs. The collected data helped them form the starting points for prototyping.

In the second phase "Defining the challenge" students analyzed the information obtained in the first phase. This allowed them to better understand user needs and expectations, which is key for further development phases.

The next phase, "Solution Design," involved finding ideas and solving priority challenges through brainstorming and other methods. This was followed by "Prototyping," where students developed test models of their solutions. Using Adobe XD, they created prototypes that were gradually upgraded and tested.

The final phase, "Testing, was aimed at verifying the performance of the prototypes in real-world situations. The student conducted testing with users to identify potential errors and get feedback for further improvements.

Design thinking is a method that allows creativity and optimization of products but requires the correct execution of each phase to achieve optimal results. Students gained valuable experience through the process, but they also faced challenges such as difficulties in collecting data and understanding protentional needs for users.