
Presenter(s): Lidija Voršič

The development of reading skills and abilities can be a major factor in a pupil's success or failure in school and life in general. Therefore, it is important that both parents and teachers strive to foster reading development. In today's time, reading has almost become a value, as pupils are reading increasingly poorly, and interest in reading is declining. Teachers need to put in much more effort to improve pupils' reading efficiency. At the elementary level, pupils are usually just becoming acquainted with the technique of reading and are reinforcing it to some extent. However, each year, there is a pupil at the elementary level who stands out in reading. Such a pupil reads very well, quickly, and with comprehension even in the first grade. The pupil shows great interest in reading, excels in public speaking, and demonstrates good results in reading tasks. The pupil is far ahead of their peers in reading, indicating giftedness. That same pupil is usually involved in various school and extracurricular activities, as this is the only way they will progress in their strong area. Additionally, it is important to encourage the pupil to participate in external institutions where they can further develop their talents.